Double Standard

Life Science

Science supports life.

If we depend on research for our lives, there are lives depending on our research.

Scientific procedures to save lives in the womb explain why lives in the womb should be saved.

Watch our two minute Truth in Two to find out why (full text follows).

The science of life speaks for itself.

Subscribe to “Truth in Two” videos from Comenius (here). Mark is President of The Comenius Institute (website). Dr. Eckel spends time with Christian young people in public university (1 minute video), hosts a weekly radio program with diverse groups of guests (1 minute video), and interprets culture from a Christian vantage point (1 minute video). Consider becoming a Comenius patron (here).

Picture Credit: Luke Renoe, Snappy Goat


Doctors could not answer the question. Everyone was dumbfounded. All in the room could not believe that in 2019 doctors did not know the answer to the question, “What is the trigger for early term labor in pregnant women?” So scientists searched for a solution. Two scientists – one an OBGYN and the other a mechanical engineer – began a discovery process that would begin to solve the problem. You can hear all about this fascinating story at National Public Radio, linked on this Truth in Two episode.

What a lifesaving discovery for both mother and child! But there is a problem. It’s called a “double standard.” Many claim “the latest research shows” or “doctors now tell us” as objective evidence. In keeping with scientific knowledge, for instance, a baby’s heartbeat begins at around 35 days and the child is fully formed by 12 weeks. Ultrasounds show a baby yawns, sucks her thumb, feels pain, even senses a mother’s emotion. We have neo-natal units in hospitals to save the lives of children born early, not to mention surgeries which can be performed in-utero. And still, those who point to scientific evidence in most every other arena, will accept abortion on demand as a right.

The double standard is obvious – either scientific evidence is evidence of life or it is not. May we not forget the 60 million children whose scientific claims for protection were usurped by judicial fiat in 1973. May we speak out, caring for life’s scientific evidence, womb-to-tomb. May we raise our voices on behalf of the child in utero. May our lament for all affected, be a clarion call to repentance, justice, love, and hope.

If science can help save babies from early term labor, we should labor to save all babies with scientific evidence.

For Truth in Two, this is Dr. Mark Eckel, president of the Comenius Institute, personally seeking truth wherever it’s found.


Source: WarpAndWoof